Here’s the thing, NBC’s parent company General Electric (GE) also owns many other various businesses such as; GE Industrial Systems, GE Transportation Systems, GE Insurance, I could go on… But at last they also own, GE Medical Systems. GE Medical Systems is obviously a manufacturer of medical equipment and technology. Is it any wonder why NBC Nightly News might be airing these “health” segments about new wondrous medical technology? The answer is no. NBC airs these segments because it is free promotion of a sister company.
Medical technology is not the only time NBC News has done such free publicity segments. They could happen with any other item that is manufactured by GE from the before mentioned list and more. You need to watch and listen closely to verify that it is not a publicity segment but rather actual unbiased news. (If there is such a thing)
Although it is important to know what new medical technology is out there, it should be shown in an unbiased fashion to give everyone an equal chance to accurately know all the options they may choose from in regards to any product.
Whose health is this all for anyways? Is it for the American citizens who can hardly get health insurance to cover basic health related issues, or is it for the health of GE’s wallet? I think I’ll choose the latter, you be your own judge.